Medienkunst aus Berlin

Video, Performance, Installationen, Dokumentationen, Musik, Multimedia, Interaktion, Stills und Objekte aus den ersten 6 Jahren des 3. Jahrtausends.

Anna Anders, Dietmar Arnold, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker, Ana Bilankov, Noam Braslavsky, Michael Brynntrup, Daniela Butsch, Genia Chef, Heiko Daxl, Claus Feldmann, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Steven Gagnon, Archi Galentz, Monika Funke, Margita Haberland, Gab Heller, Sanja Ivekovic, Franz John, Kain Karawahn, Susanne Kienbaum, Betina Kuntzsch,Ilka Lauchstädt, Walter Lenertz, Antal Lux, Benoit Maubrey, Bettina Munk, Mona Mur, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Günther Petzold, Claudius Pratsch, Klaus Riech, Susken Rosenthal, Ilse Ruppert, Mariko Sakamoto, Joachim Seinfeld, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag, Thorsten Streichardt, Signe Theill, Clea T. Waite, Eku Wand, Ute Weiss-Leder, André Werner

Clea T. Waite


Clim(b)ax is the climax, climbing the ax, the axis, from the center to the door of Heaven. For the Banyan Project 2004

Cranberry Sauce

For Video, String Quartet, and Digital Audio. Video: Clea T. Waite with Vincent Assmann, Daniela Kinateder, and Ludowika Mann

Red InWenice

Take It
by Clea T. Waite
with Loretta Waite
music "Let Me Take Your Photo" by the Speedies, © Speedy Delivery Music 1979
format: PAL DigiBeta, running time: 40 sec
© Clea T. Waite / Camera-X 2003

The Spider Project

Installation Description

The Spider Project installation is a mandala-vivarium for the contemplation of past and future. A
requiem for the 20th century, it hovers in the moment of our culture's rebirth at the end of the last
millennium. Combining art and research, it is a step towards working with the laws of nature. The
Spider Project is an act of sympathetic magic.