Medienkunst aus Berlin

Video, Performance, Installationen, Dokumentationen, Musik, Multimedia, Interaktion, Stills und Objekte aus den ersten 6 Jahren des 3. Jahrtausends.

Anna Anders, Dietmar Arnold, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker, Ana Bilankov, Noam Braslavsky, Michael Brynntrup, Daniela Butsch, Genia Chef, Heiko Daxl, Claus Feldmann, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Steven Gagnon, Archi Galentz, Monika Funke, Margita Haberland, Gab Heller, Sanja Ivekovic, Franz John, Kain Karawahn, Susanne Kienbaum, Betina Kuntzsch, Ilka Lauchstädt, Walter Lenertz, Antal Lux, Benoit Maubrey, Bettina Munk, Mona Mur, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Günther Petzold, Claudius Pratsch, Klaus Riech, Susken Rosenthal, Ilse Ruppert, Mariko Sakamoto, Joachim Seinfeld, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag, Thorsten Streichardt, Signe Theill, Clea T. Waite, Eku Wand, Ute Weiss-Leder, André Werner

Ana Bilankov

"Pleasure", video, 2005, 4.24 min

With the music of Sergej Rachmaninov, Piano Concerto No.2, in C minor, op.18: Prelude No. 5, in G minor

Presentation: can be projected as or one- or two-channel video, if possible on loop

City of origin: Moscow

1st time exhibited at 1st Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Special Project ìGender Troublesî, 29.01.- 28.02. 2005, Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, Curator: Mila Bredikhina

Video film ìPleasureî is a complex multilayered work about cultural and gender constructions and difficulties of communication. Considering the form it reminds of an old mute film, combining elements of moving pictures and the text. The text and the picture are not in direct connection, but put together they produce some new sense, certain shift of the meaning, some hybrid and wondrous picture/text-body.

One projection shows a woman cleaning the floor in one global looking mid/high-class-restaurant. The other projection shows a young man doing the same in some other environment (can be recognised as Mc Donald). The text-sequences, which should ìtranslateî the thoughts of the mute ìactorsî, I found in a booklet ìRussian with Pronunciationî (Zagreb 1981/2002). ìPleasureî is a dialog between a man and a woman who meet each other. These sentences should be paradigmatic examples, what every man/woman should know in the Russian language when he/she meets the opposite sex and they want to have ìpleasureî together. The text embodied many clichÈs regarding cultural stereotypes and how they changed in the mean time and raise the question of the (im)possibilities of cultural translations and gender understanding.



1968 in Zagreb, Kroatien, geboren, lebt und arbeitet als freischaffende Künstlerin in Berlin.

Nach dem Studium der Kunstgeschichte und Germanistik an den Universitäten in Zagreb und in Mainz, der künstlerischen Fotografie an der Wiesbadener Freien Kunstschule und dem Postgraduiertenstudium "Kunst im Kontext" der Universität der Künste in Berlin sowie University of the West of England/Faculty for Art and Media in Bristol, machte sie inzwischen zahlreiche Ausstellungen und Kunstprojekte im In- und Ausland. Einzelausstellungen u.a. in Galerija M. Kraljevic, Zagreb; Gallery James/ArtStrelka, Moskau; Galerie 35, Berlin; Galerija Nova, Zagreb; Watershed Media Centre Bristol. Eine der Mitbegr¸nderin von Kunstcoop©, Initiative für aktuelle Kunstvermittlung: 2001 und 2002 aktiv in der NGBK (Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst) Berlin. 2004 war sie Moskau-Stipendiatin des Berliner Senats in Moscow House of Photography und nahm an der 1. Moskau Biennale, Spezialprojekt "Gender Troubles" teil.