/ Citta(media)nova"
City Permutations
"per(mutations)" Symposium, Part II

August - 2. September 2007
ORGANIZATION: Jerica Ziherl, Museum
Lapidariun and Galerija
RIGO Novigrad / Citta Nova; (HR); Niksa Gligo, University
of Zagreb, Music Academy (HR), Ingeborg Fülepp / Heiko
Daxl, www.mediainmotion.de
Ivan Blaskovic, Ljiljana
Anna Anders, (D), Iva-Matija
Bitanga, (HR), Djanino Bozic (HR), Tomislav
Brajnovic (HR), Vlatko Ceric, (HR),
Roberto Cimador (HR), Heiko
Daxl (D), Peter Tomas Dobrila (SLO),
Alen Floricic, (HR), Branko
Francesci (HR), Ingeborg Fülepp
(HR/D), Niksa Gligo (HR), Marko
Kosnik, (SLO), Rolf Külz-Mackenzie
(D), Antal Lux, (D/H), Don
Ritter, (CAN), Goran Skofic (HR), Michaela
Strumberger (A)

and daily press reports in "Glas Istre" by Kristine Flegar
This Media-Scape continues wit the workshop
held last year based on the theme of "per(mutations)",
by expanding its scope onto the field of the city architecture.
Novigrad-Cittanova, a small but old town in Istria, will serve as
a good example for discussions about and the production of art works
(photos, videos, multimedia image and sound installations, performances)
that examine the influences of new architectonic developments in
the old city centre. These works of art will aim to confront such
developments with the critical points of view of the artists.
Media-Scape newly opened in the space of
Museum Lapidarium and continues to show art works produced in the
same year by Media-Scape artists in the Rigo Gallery. The projects
that emerge are on display during the five days of Media-Scape or
later in the course of the year.