
Tomas Dobrila

with Rolf Külz Mackenzie and Branko Franceschi

in Maribor, Slovenija, in 1963
B. SC. (univ. dipl. ing. electrotechnics - computers)
1988 – Graduated in Decomposing the programme graphs and started
working on the Master Degree.
1998 – Finished General Management Program at IEDC (International
Executive Development Center) in Brdo.
2007 – Finishing master degree in Informatics on Creative use of
new technologies.
1996 Co-established the Multimedia Centre KiberSRCeLab – KIBLA (MMC
KIBLA), Maribor.
1998 Co-established Association for Culture and Education KIBLA
(ACE KIBLA) and became the President of ACE KIBLA.
1996 – 2004 Managing the MMC KIBLA and ACE KIBLA, involved in different
2001 – Member of the General Jury Europrix, the leading European
championship in e-content and became a fellow member of European
Academy for Digital Media (EADIM).
2002 – Participating on the European Multimedia Associations Convention
(EMMAC) on Milia 2002 in Cannes, and on the World Summit on Internet
and Multimedia in Montreux.
2003 KIBLA become partner for the 1st World Summit on the Information
Society Awards (December 2003 – Geneva, 2005 – Tunisia). Attend
the WSIS in Geneva.
2004 – Invited by the People's Network initiative participated on
the 1st conference A Soul for Europe in november in Berlin, which
is the European summit on culture.
2005 – Invited to become an adviser of the Ars electronica festival.
After the invitation contributes at the UNESCO conference about
Information Society in St. Petersburg. Actively participated in
EVA (Electronic Imaging, the Visual Arts & Beyond) and Echolot
Conference in Moscow.
2005 – In November attends 2nd World Summit on the Information Society
in Tunis.
2006 – In spring becomes a member of the Expert Commission for Intermedia
Arts at the Ministry of Culture and in autumn a member of the Working
group of the Ministry of Culture for inclusion of culture to the
information society.
2006 – In October KIBLA got a public order from Municipality of
Maribor to make a candidature application for the European Capital
of Culture 2012 and in parallel to constitute the Local programme
for culture 2007-2011.
2006 – In november invited to the 2nd Dresdner Future Forum in Germany.
2006 – As a member of People's Network initiative participates on
the European Summit about culture, 2nd A Soul for Europe conference
in Berlin.
2007 – Becomes a member ot the Committee for the preparation of
the National programme for culture..
