

in 1945 in Urmiz-Bizerte, Tunesia. Grows up at France, Israel and
Germany, where he lives since 1954.
Studied architecture and urban planning (Dipl. Ing.), painting and
graphic design (Master of Arts and Dipl. Design), communication
sciences, social history and theatre history (M.A. and Dr. Phil).
Worked as scientific assistant from1976 – 1978 and professor for
communication sciences, film and video at the Freie Universität
(FU) Berlin from1978 – 1984.
Worked as urban planner from 1968 – 1975 at the Deutsche Film und
Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) from 1974 – 1975, as documentary film
director from 1974 – 1991. As art curator and culture manager realized
many exhibitions and art projects since 1982 and worked as culture
manager since 1991. Publishes essays in the field of culture, culture
science, art, cultural policy and contemporary history. Writes many
essays for artist and exhibition catalogues. Since 2001 publisher
for the Jewish-German-American weekly paper AUFBAU in New York,
promoting European editorship in Berlin and Zurich - essays on contemporary
history and culture.

Branko Franceschi and Peter Tomas Dobrila
