

Video installation
"Secrete Life "

"Secrets Life"

born in Poznan , lives Berlin and Poznan, studied at the Academy
of Fine Arts in Poznan, As. Professor (dr.hab) at the AFA in Poznan,
Author of 25 solo shows among others at the Centre for Modern Art
in Warsaw, Kingsgate Gallery, London, Potocka Gallery, Cracow; Labirynth.
State Gallery Lublin (PL); Galerie Artists Unlimited, Bielefeld,
Germany;, XX1 Gallery Warsaw; Horst Dietrich Galerie – Galerienrundgang
der Zehn, Berlin ; OBF Gallery, Monterrey, Mexico; “Lightscape”
Deli-licht Project, Rotterdam, Bereznitsky Gallery in Berlin
Participated in over 100 exhibitions in Poland and abroad. i.e.
: Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw (“Books and pages”,
“Conceptual reflection in Polish Art”, “Lightness
of Things”), Spiritual in Digital Arts, The Evergreen Cultural
Centre, Canada, 2003, “Cybersonica” Dana Centre –
Science Museum in London, 2005; WRO 11 & 12th International
Media Art Biennale Wroclaw; 35 Poetry International Festival, Schouwburg,
Rotterdam; "Temporary Cities", National Centre for Contemporary
Arts, Moscow, Russia; “Time of Stars. Innovations in the Universe”,
EPO Patentamt, Berlin, 2006; “Mediation. Europe – Asia”,
Eis-Fabrik, Hanover, Video Brasil, Sao Paolo, 2007
Awards include Stipends of Polish Minister of Culture in 1992, 2004,
2008; KulturKontakt Austria 1998; Art Omi, Ghent-New York, USA 2004;
fellowship at the Academy of Film and Television in Potsdam 2005/6,
KHOJ Kolkata (2006) & KHOJ Delhi Art & Science Residency,
India (2007), Ist prize in the art competition „2007-a very
spatial year” by the Space Research Centre of Polish Academy
of Science.
