

"Corrosion" for no imput mixer and laser

received his musical training as a composer and electronic musician
in New York, Hamburg and The Hague. Already during his studies he
has collected extensive experience not only in the fields of "academic"
composition, but also in free improvisation and with various pop-settings.
He has written for a variety of settings, including orchestra, ensembles,
solo works and sound
installations, often including live-electronics and other media
like light, laser, video or cartoons.
Typical for Ciciliani's work is that it tries to combine seemingly
contradictory materials, giving
the composition a feeling of experiment and playfulness, with surprising
turns and a variety of color.
In his more recent work a special field of interest lies in the
combination of sound and light and the exploration of the various
interrelationships between the two, which is also the topic of his
PhD research that he is currently following at Brunel University
The different "genres" in which Ciciliani's music can
be heard and seen, are reflecting his manifold musical activities.
His music has been programmed by festivals of electronic experimental
music like Club Transmediale Berlin, Night of the Unexpected Amsterdam
or the NowNow Series Sydney just as much as by international festivals
for chamber music like Wien Modern, Gaudeamus, Forum Neue Musik
Deutschlandfunk, Zagreb Biennale, ISCM World Music Days and many
more. Also his sound installations have been presented by Galleries
and Museums in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK.
In 2006 Ciciliani founded the group Bakin Zub, an ensemble comprising
five distinguished musicians from different backgrounds. Bakin Zub
is dedicated to the performance of Ciciliani's music while placing
an emphasis on the combination of instrumental writing, live-electronics
and light designs. In April 2007 Bakin Zub premiered and toured
the multimedia work "My Ultradeep I" which received critical
acclaim. In November 2008 the second evening-length project "Jeanne
of the Dark" - composed in collaboration with Terre Thaemlitz
- will be premiered at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.
As a performer Ciciliani has specialised in the no-input mixer,
a mixing board which does not
use any external inputs, but where all sounds are created through
internal feedbacks. As an improviser he has given concerts with
Fred Frith, Gordon Mumma, Jaap Blonk, Axel Dörner and Sachiko
M, amongst others. He has toured extensively with this instrument
with different solo-repertoires. As an interpreter of electronic
parts he is also working with leading orchestras and ensembles,
like the Concertgebouw Orkest, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia
Orchestra London, SWR Orchestra, Musikfabrik and many more.
