vernissage do 10.5. | 19-23 h
with jürgen kupke | klarinette
music by DJ SiSeN | japan
shikgoo - korean bistro
offen fr | sa | so 11-18 h
sonntag matinee ab 11 h with
luca | singing - guitar - cello | heiko daxl + ingeborg fülepp
photos I sibylle hoessler
iin cooperation with
studio marion ehrsam
paintings-drawings china [ 4 x ]
marion ehrsam I angelika mantz | zhao xin | liu yang
Togostr. 79 | Berlin
annette haußknecht
suse stock | fashion design in cooperation with
galerie 5th people project: art by yasuko fujioka
Togostr. 80 | Berlin
MIM & MORE is a project by
m e d i a i n m o t i o n berlin/zagreb