Frank Hülsbömer
familienstellen / family therapy (pictogram studies)
Bild-Objekte NO. P6, P32 und P33, 30x40cm inkjet

1968 born in Münster/Germany; from 1992-1994 lived and worked in New York City; 1995 Berlin; 1996-1999 Warsaw; Since 2000 Berlin
solo exhibitions:
„the anatomy of surface“, 31.1.- 2.2.08. transmediale/M12, berlin
"piktogramm studien" dez. 2007 at "M12", berlin
"the anatomy of surface", gallery magda danysz, paris (nov. 2007)
daz (deutsches architektur zentrum), berlin 2006
galeria melon, warsaw (2005)
gallery „no good window“, paris (2005)
miedzy nami magazine release and exhibition in warsaw, berlin (2005)
gallery magda danysz, paris (2003)
galerie wieland, berlin (2002)
bda (bund deutscher architekten), berlin (2001)
gallery magda danysz, paris (2001)
german pavilion at the „world expo“, hannover (2000)
pps, berlin
deutsches haus/nyu, nyc
group exhibitions:
“berlin:portrait” contemporary photography and video art from berlin. nuovo polo natatorio/trieste fotografia, triest/italy sept-oct. 2007
“berlin:portrait” contemporary photography and video art from berlin. goethe institut washington dc/usa. aug-sept. 2007
“berlin:portrait” contemporary photography and video art from berlin. The Moving Gallery, omaha/nebraska/usa. march-april 07
“talking cities- die micropolitik des urbanen raumes”, essen/germany (aug.-dez. 2006)
"die matrix" at schloss ahaus for kunstverein arthaus. catalogue (2006)
instituto italiano di cultura di tokyo 18-22. dec. urban spaces, tokio (2006)
zkm, “making things public”, karlsruhe (2005)
photo espana with the urban spaces-series. projection at the Plaza Ana in madrid. goethe institut spain (2005)
festival transphotographiques, lille/france (2004)
“electrovillage” museum für angewande kunst, köln (2003)
vhs photogalerie. "urbane räume/urban spaces", stuttgart/germany (2003)
bundeskunsthalle bonn, europäischer architekturfotografie-preis 2003
vitra museum/design mai, berlin (2003)
urban drift, berlin (2002)
cookies, berlin (2002)
galerie wieland, berlin (2001)
festival of visions with goethe institut, hong kong (2000)
goethe institut, warsaw (2000)