Michaela Strumberger
"Close Encounters of the Southern Kind", video installation, video 3:40 Min., 2007

Wurde der international gesuchte Wolf-Hybride Georges im Bible Belt vergiftet?
Die Besitzerin Brunelda schickt ihren Freund Carl nach Alabama, um der Sache nachzugehen.
"Close Encounters of the Southern Kind" zeigt die Ermittlung vor Ort, gefilmt von Michaela Strumberger.
The Austrian-born artist began her studies at the Art Students League of New York and the New York Academy of Art, before going on to receive an MFA in set design from Yale University. She has received several grants and scholarships from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture and the Julius Raab Foundation.
From 1997–2003 she designed and directed for opera, theatre and film in the US and in Europe, including productions at the Soho Rep NYC, the Salzburg Festival, De Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam and the Palais Garnier Opéra de Paris. Her short films and documentaries have been shown at festivals in the US and Europe.
Since 2004 she has devoted herself entirely to painting, sculpting and video. She has exhibited internationally at venues such as the MoCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) in Skopje, Macedonia and the Alden-Biesen Castle in Belgium as well as created public installations like the Picnic @ Berlin Biennial. She currently lives and works in Berlin
Group exhibitions (selection)
2007 Per(mutations) Museum Lapidarium, RIGO Gallery Novigrad, Croatia; KUNST! Neues Kunstquatier Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 007 Strictly Berlin – Targets of Opportunity, Galerie der Künste Berlin, Germany
2006 Attitude, Cultural Center Magaza, Bitola, Macedonia; Sehnsucht Inc., Alden-Biesen Castle, Bilzen, Belgium; easy transport, MoCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) , Skopje, Macedonia; New Realism, Galerie Nering + Stern, Berlin, Germany; Confrontation | Konfrontacje Galeria Mlodych Gazety Antykwarycznej, Krakow, Poland
2005 Self-portraits, Tacheles ext., Berlin, Germany; Berlin in Our Eyes, Tacheles ext. Berlin, Germany; Werkschau, Tacheles ext., Berlin, Germany
Solo exibitions
2008 Gorgeous Georges Couture, Festival of Urban Fashion and Arts, Berlin, Germany
2006 The Devil Has Many Faces, space untitled, Berlin, Germany; Picnic @ Berlin Biennial, Public installation, Auguststrasse | Gipsstrasse, Berlin, Germany
2005 ¿Sleep of Reason? , space untitled, Berlin, Germany