Lisa Schmitz$5363
"Philosophical Chainreaction" Series (Detail), Collage, 2005

In the year 2004 an installation consisting of several parts had been developed for the exhibition „Thus did not speak Zarathustra“, which took place in the City Gallery Na Solianke in frame of the Moscow Art Biennial 2005. The title of the installation was „Thus did speak Friedrich Nietzsche“. One of these fragments was a collage showing the portrait of Nietzsche with a plaster on his mouth.
Following this exhibition, further plaster collages have been realized of personalities, who think and act in consequent asking and searching manners. Alongside Nietzsche there are Hannah Arendt, Platon, Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, Joseph Weizenbaum and others.
The title of this series of collages is „Philosophical Chainreaction“
exhibition participations in connection with Friedrich Nietzsche:
"Für F.N. - Nietzsche in der bildenden Kunst der letzten 30 Jahre ", Orangerie, Weimar 1994 "Artistenmetaphysik - F. Nietzsche in der Kunst der Nachmoderne“, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin 2000
„Thus did not speak Zarathustra“, City Gallery Na Solianke in frame of the Moscow Art Biennial 2005
born 1952 in Emmerich, lives in Berlin
Solo Exhibitions:
DHM/German Historical Museum Berlin, ZKM/Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Rudomino State Library for Foreign Literature Moscow, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Villa Aurora/LACE Los Angeles, Kunstwerke Berlin, NCCA Moscow, CAC Vilnius, Deutsch-Russisches Forum Potsdam, City Library/Taimirskij Kaktus Norilsk, Goethe Institute Moscow.
Group Exhibitions:
Art as Science - Science as Art Berlin, Correspondences Chicago-Berlin, Ars Electronica Linz, Viper Basel, IICkunstBO Moscow-Berlin, Labyrinth 1 und 2 Proekt Fabrika Moscow, family nation tribe community Shift Haus der Kulturen der Welt/NGBK Berlin, büro orange Siemens München, Memento Gallery of the City of Prague/Goltz-Kinsky Palais, Naar her object Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Deutschsein? Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, State Tretiakov Gallery Moscow.