<<< Giulia Giannola >>>
"Schwimmbahn", Video Pal, 2010, Loop

This video deals again with the "Time" theme. Here I played with different temporal levels.
The swimming pool divided in lanes is particularly suitable for this purpose. Every
swimmer has a different speed (natural speed, innatural slowness, innatural quickness…).
The resulting absurd and chaotic situation, can be a metaphor for the collective time.
Despite chronological time is the same for all, everyone has its own "speed.
Giulia Gianola: Born 1985 in Napoli, Italy
Since October 2009: Faculty of Fine Arts, Universität der Künste, Berlin. Hauptstudium.
Since November 2009: Guest student at the Hochschule für Bildende Kunst, Braunschweig
in artist Candice Breitz class. 2007: Bachelor Degree in Visual Arts and Theatre at IUAV University, Venice.
“Actualitas. Kunst vor Ort”, Performance Festival, Braunschweig, Germany.
“Wir in Milan”, Group show, Spazio Concept, Milan.
“Phaenomenale 2010”, Science and art festival, Kunstverein Wolfsburg,
with artist Candice Breitz class, Hochschule für Bildende Kunst of Braunschweig.
Workshop with artist Candice Breitz in the context of “KlangKunstBühne 09, International Summer Academy,
An interdisciplinary search for new images, sounds, spaces and figures” at Universität der Künste,, Berlin
“Demolition”, group show, .HBC gallery, Berlin.
“Open#0”, group show, Magazzini del Sale, Venice. |